I think my girl is growing!
To say "It's About Time" is a complete and total #Understatement!
This kiddo has weighed in at barely 20 pounds since she was 8 months old.
While she continues to grow taller, she just gets thinner and thinner.
#Iwish #Ifonlyitworkedthatwayforme
Over the last two days, Zoie has slept anywhere from 12 to 14 hours at night.
Taken 4 hour naps.
Eaten 3 helpings of spaghetti in one sitting.
Ate a whole PBJ by herself.
Finished 2 packets of instant oatmeal.
#Seriously #whohastimefortherealstuff
And ate a HUGE plate of taco filling.
And that doesn't count all of her other meals and snacks!
Normally this kid eats like a bird.
A bite here...
A bite there...
We were starting to wonder how she was surviving??
But a few days ago a switch flipped.
And now she is our big eater.
I haven't weighed her because our scale is broken.
Which honestly doesn't hurt my feelings AT ALL.
Which honestly doesn't hurt my feelings AT ALL.
But I know she's growing.
She'll be 25 pounds in no time.
19 Months old next week!
Shes so stinkin cute!!!! That krinkled nose gets me everytime. Maggie weighs 35 lbs now! Its crazy! Whats funnier is MiaPia is not far behind her ;)