Good Morning Lovelies!
The weather has been Ah-Mazing!!
Normally this time of year the temps are in the low 70's and we're scrambling to get outside between rain storms. This year though, we've had 80+ degree temps for nearly two weeks.
Nice weather makes me One. Happy. Mama.
The weather has even been nice enough for me to plant my garden.
I love working in the garden, it's quite therapeutic.
Normally I can't plant for another week or so, but since the weather has been so nice we have jumped the gun a little. I hope it wasn't too soon.Hopefully this won't be one of those years where we get snow in June.
As of right now though... I have faith that things are going to be nice from here on out.
At least until October.
So we're good.
I got my hair cut and colored.
First time since November.
To say I needed a trim and a color is a complete and total understatement.
I went a little darker and tried for the 'Ombre' look.
My 'trim' turned into about 4 inches... eek.
But it turned out so good I took a selfie on the way home from the salon.
I never do that.
Headed out early for Central Washington. Going to the woods above Wenatchee.
Can't Wait!
We only have 2 puppies left and they are both leaving us tomorrow.
It is sad to see them all go.
But it will be nice to have my garage back.
Hope you all are enjoying the weather where you live.
Can't get much better than what we have here. It is pretty perfect.
Yay for nice hot weather! Seriously u r a hottie and should take and share more pics of u!! Miss u!