I have struggled for a long time with my blog. Struggled with what to write and who to write about.
Struggled with who I am writing for.
I've thought night and day about who I should be on my blog.
I've decided that I should continue to be myself.
I am who I am!
I am me!
This blog is about me and my family.
It is a way for me to share with friends and family what is going on in our life. A way to show what we have going on in our world.
I have pretty high expectations for myself and my little blog.
Sometimes I think they are unreasonably high expectations.
I keep trying to keep up with everyone blogging around me.
That is the wrong reason for me to blog.
I read a lot of blogs by many wonderful women showing people, crafts, cooking, and things in their shops.
I am just me and my family.
Yes, I have a shop. A little shop that really isn't doing that well. Maybe because I don't blog like other bloggers. Maybe not. I may never know.
But from this day forward I am going to stop blogging for other people.
I'm going to get back to blogging for myself.
For my family!
I want this to be an account of our lives, so that 10 years from now, Zoie can look back and see all the wonderful things we took her to see. All the amazing people that loved her. The childhood that she had.
An account of her life to look back on.
That is what this blog is really about!
My Family!
I hope you all understand and continue to follow.
We r soul sisters :) Wrote about this today as well!! Yay for blogging for whatever reason we want to :) Looking forward to following more of your guys adventures! xoxo